After deciding to leave ophthalmology, I was uncertain about my next step. Luckily, I have a wonderful support system who understood my decision and cheered me on to find what made me happy despite my own self-doubt and anxieties. Undoubtedly, after 14 uninterrupted years of post-secondary education, I was weary about going back to school yet again. But this time, it was for the right reasons.
I have learned so much from Chef Marco Ropke who is the Pastry Instructor at NWCAV. My new passion for food and love of pastry not only stems from his influence but also from my new found friends from school. Through their encouragement, I have slowly built up my self-confidence in my skills and creativity.
As I journey through my first baby steps into the professional world of pastry, I hope to share my ups and downs, new discoveries, and ultimate success with you. This blog will also likely become a bit of "show and tell" of my own sweet creations from the past, present, and future.
YAY Charmaine! Congratulations to you. I always knew you were meant to be involved in something that could harness your creativity and display your artistic talents. We will continue to support you and eat your pastries!!
Michelle (w Chris & Caitlin)
Congratulations, Charmaine! This is excellent that you have started a blog. I look forward to following your journey and seeing pictures of all of your creations (make sure you set up a Flickr account if you haven't already)! Your work in school was beautiful and I can't wait to see what is next. Best wishes! Kimberley
Post some photos of your pastries...quick! I'm hungry.
-- (the other) Erik
Thanks everyone! Kimberley, you inspired me to start a food blog! You too, Erik, I check in to see Maya photos all the time! Charm
Congrats on making the leap into a new career! I'm considering enrolling in the Baking & Pastry Program at the Art Institute of Seattle in the fall. My background is in banking as it doesn't seem as scary considering a career change after reading about so many people who have done it and never looked back. Originally from Vancouver, I've eaten at Ganache several times and love all their goodies. Good Luck working there. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures and experiences!
Quite inspirational, Charmaine. Can't get over the energy that comes from your work. I know Chef Marco always pointed out to me your precision and attention to details, but I was even more impressed by the energy, the genuine energy that came out of your work. Have fun with the Pan Pacific practicum.
tony minichiello
Congratulations for following your dream! I had just stumbled on to your blog and you have very much inspired me. I had always dreamed to be a pastry chef as a child. However this dream was cut short by my father's statement, "What? My daughter a cook?". He's chinese and professional pastry chefs were unheard of in the Philippines back in the 80's. Now I am a doctor, a psychiatrist - probably to recover from that trauma, LOL. Although, I am quite content to be one, my love of baking remains even even if I never made a career out of it. Congratulations once again :-)
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