Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Because we had B later than most couples we know, B only has a few baby friends who are close in age. Emma is one of her friends who happens to live close by, making play dates fun and convenient. Big sister Elizabeth has great affection for B, resulting in many kisses and hugs for baby B.
Emma's Kitty Cat Birthday Cake - Cat face

Emma's first word was the name of her neighbour's cat and hence, the cat themed first birthday cake was chosen my mom and dad. Honestly, I designed the cat cake with Elizabeth in mind since Emma really has no clue about cake at her young age. I wanted the design to be bright and feminine but not overly precious and girly. An orange cat was appropriate because Emma is currently a red head, with beautiful silky hair. Admittedly, I am somewhat jealous of babies with thick long locks of hair because poor B has a sparse head of oddly distributed hair, with a short fine spiky top and pseudo-mullet in the back. It is merely a pseudo-mullet because the longer hair only occurs laterally by the back of her ears and not across the nape of her neck!
Emma's Kitty Cat Birthday Cake - Ladybug

I could not resist adding ladybugs to the cake because who doesn't like ladybugs? Inside, chocolate cake and 64% dark chocolate mousse were enjoyed by all. In fact, high praise was given by big sister Elizabeth who concluded that "Charmaine is a good maker of cake". I am humbled by your kind words, Elizabeth. Happy Birthday Emma!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Even though this summer has been one that our family would like to forget because of a very sad event earlier in July, small pieces of happiness can come from the most random things.  For example, when I was asked to interpret a hilarious dream about someone putting fur highlights on a cat into cake form, I could not say no.  The result was the third appearance by Mr. Panda, a recurrent character on Akemi's multiple birthday cakes over the years.  Featured this year is Simba the cat (not our Simba) who is receiving "Back Street Boys highlights" as described by Davis, Akemi's friend who had the crazy dream and ordered the cake. 

Everything was made of fondant with piped royal icing fur, except the aluminum foil was actual aluminum foil because nothing I had could really reproduce the look of foil (except maybe edible silver leaf but that is too pricey).  And whiskers were rice vermicelli noodles. 

[As I am writing this, B is supposed to be napping but I am distracted because instead, she has decided to walk around her crib screaming.  After 14 months, she still won't nap properly.  I need to find my ear plugs before I go crazy...]